The Toys Go 'Round Coordinator is Kathy Barloon. Kathy was one of the founding members of TGR back in 1992 when TGR began! She works behind the scenes processing toys, writing grants, and a multitude of other things to keep TGR running smoothly.


Jean Daywitt is the Toy Librarian. She checks toys in and out, works with memberships, cleans toys, and is the friendly face that greets you with a smile upon arrival!


Keith is our official toy cleaner. He disinfects toys between loans and alerts us to problems with the toys.

Mason is a Silver Cord Volunteer. He is our toy marking, testing, fixing, cleaning - "you name it - I will do it" person!


Mary Ellen Vachta (right) is our website & barcode guru. She also helps process toys.

Mary Bril (center) is an AmeriCorps RSVP volunteer. She helps with processing toys by applying bar codes, adding color coding stickers, and whatever else needs doing. Also pictured are Mary Ellen Vachta (front) and TGR Coordinator Kathy Barloon (back)

The Toys Go 'Round Board makes decisions about the operations of the Toy Library. Members include:

Ana Olson-Johnson - Board Chairperson

Mindy Meyers, Board Secretary

Sarah Frydenlund - Board Treasurer

Rhonda Perez - Bookkeeper

Matt Tapscott

Mika Petersen
